Tallet has authored various books and academic papers involving the Great Pyramid of Giza. Below is a full list of his works, some of which he collaborated with other authors and have been translated from French to English. These publications are according to the National Library of France and the Library of Congress.
2003, Egypt: All that we know and how we know it
2003, The inscriptions of Ayn Soukhna
2003, The Cooking of the Pharaohs
2005, Sesostris III and the end of the XII th Dynasty
2006, At the table of the Pharaohs, tastes of yesterday and recipes of today
2009, The Red Sea on Pharaonic Times
2011, Ayn Soukhna II . The metallurgical workshops of the Middle Kingdom
2012 The mining area of South Sinai I
2013, 12 queens of Egypt who changed the story
2015, The mining area of South Sinai II
2015, Between Nile and Seas. Navigation in ancient Egypt
2016, Ayn Sukhna III . The shopping gallery complex
2017, From Sinai to Sudan. Routes of an Egyptologist
2017, The Red Sea Papyrus
2018, The Pharaonic Mining Area of South Sinai III . Egyptian dynastic shipments at the end of the XX th Dynasty
Tallet and his team discovered the longest Egyptian papyri known to man in 2013, under a set of caves.
He attempted to translate this text into English and he concluded that Merer and his large group had the job of transporting thousands of limestone blocks via ship across the River Nile.
This discovery is particularly vital in the modern study of the Great Pyramid, especially as Merer was previously an unknown figure in the study of the Great Pyramid.